IIER - Đại diện tuyển sinh của Onehunga tại Việt Nam

Thứ tư - 12/05/2004 13:48 684 0
IIER trở thành đại diện tuyển sinh cho Trường Trung học Onehunga High School - New Zealand

Onehunga High School was established in 1959 on its Pleasant Street site. 

The school has always served the catchment of Onehunga, Royal Oak, Hillsborough and Mangere Bridge and enrolments beyond this zone are also significant. 

Onehunga High School is situated in one of Auckland’s oldest suburbs, overlooking the Manukau Harbour. Many of our families have long histories in the area, and we have many second or third generation students. This gives the school a strong sense of tradition and continuity.

The school’s proximity to the large commercial and retail area of Onehunga has been of great benefit. Links with some service clubs and businesses go back many years and numerous scholarships and trust funds, as well as significant financial and professional support, have arisen from this support base.

Onehunga High School is committed to providing lifelong learning for our community. We provide a wide range of learning opportunities to students in the High School, and also in our Adult Learning Centre and English Language School.


Tác giả bài viết: Hồng Phong

Nguồn tin: Viện Nghiên cứu Giáo dục quốc tế

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